Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Term Has already Begun :)

Have been a bit busy lately so couldn't get time to update something here. But anyways back again to work :P
Well It's already second week of the second term and having fun at school :D Not taking much of time in rambling things, i get straight to the point :P i mean post my updates so far. Before posting my stuff's, i just wanted to say, that this term My mentor is Dana Boadway, And i must say she is awesome and brilliant. Here is her Demoreel if anyone wants to have a look.

Ok so now for my stuffs :)
For the 1st week we had to select an exercise amongst the list that we were given and then shoot or get some references for the exercise and make a thumnail planning for the shot. So I decided to go with "Kick a ball" Exercise. I collected some references for a bicycle kick from Youtube and then planned my exercise accordingly. Here is the planning i did for the shot.

So that, Was for the 1st week assignment. :)

Now for the 2nd week, I had to jump right in to Maya and block in the shot according to our planning, Not compulsorily as I planned in the thumbnail drawings, I definitely am free right now to work and make it look as much better i could. Blocking is really a very crucial stage, And i feel that good blocking leads to a good polished animation. I have heard this a lot of times "More time you spend on your planning and blocking, The better and easy your work gets later" Well not i am experiencing this to be True. Very well then i ma almost done with my Blocking for the shot, and  i think i can upload whatever i have got so far, So here it is.

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